江国星 Guoxing
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1 研究方向
无线自组织网络 图像处理 计算机视觉与机器学习
2 期刊论文
- Guoxing Jiang, Yanqing Shen, Jun Chen, Yan Dong, Fang Lu,
Qi Jiang. Egocentric Network Focused
Community Aware Multicast Routing for DTNs[J]. Wireless Networks, 2018, 24(4):
1217 - 1235.
- Guoxing Jiang, Jun Chen, Yanqing Shen. Delivery Ratio- and Buffered Time-Constrained
Multicasting for Delay Tolerant Networks[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications,
2014, 44: 92 - 105.
- Guoxing Jiang, Yanqing Shen, Jun Chen. Early Detection and Rejection Probability-Based
Congestion Control Scheme for Deep Space Networks[J]. International Journal of Satellite
Communications and Networking, 2016, 34: 41 - 56.
- 江国星, 陈琴. 基于位置信息的MANET按需QoS路由算法[J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),
2010, 38(6): 92 - 96.
- 江国星, 梅锐. 基于泛洪约束的MANET按需组播路由协议[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2010, 32(2): 278 - 283.
- 江国星, 易明. 低开销的MANET网络按需路由协议[J]. 通信学报, 2009, 30(7): 27 - 35.
- Jiang Guoxing, Cheng Yanfang. An LBP-Based Multi-Scale
Illumination Preprocessing Method for Face Recognition[J]. Journal of Electronics (China),
2009, 26(4): 509 – 516.
3 会议论文
- A. H. Khalaf,Jiang Guoxing.Scheduled-Links
Multicast Routing for MANETs[C]. Proceedings
of IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Network
Technology (ICCSNT 2012),Changchun, China, 2012.12.29 - 2012.12.31.
- Jiang Guo-xing, Yang Zhi-ya. A Distributed Clustering Algorithm Based on δ-Cluster Stability for Mobile
Ad hoc Networks[C]. Proceedings
of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications,
Networking and Mobile Computing, Dalian, China, Oct. 12 – 14, 2008: 1 – 6.
- Jiang Guo-xing, Liu Ming-na. A Novel Fuzzy QoS Location-aided Routing Algorithm
for Mobile Ad hoc Networks[C]. Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International
Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems,
Xiamen, China, Nov. 28 – Dec. 1, 2007: 320 – 324.
4 Technical Reviewer for International Journals
n IEEE Transactions on Computers
n IEEE Transactions on Mobile
n IEEE Transactions
on Vehicular Technology
n Journal of Network and Computer
n Computer Networks
n Journal of Ambient Intelligence and
Humanized Computing
n KSII Transactions on Internet and
Information Systems
n International Journal of Parallel,
Emergent and Distributed Systems
n 电子与信息学报
n 西安交通大学学报
Program Committee (TPC) Member
n IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC)
n IEEE Global Communications
Conference (GLOBECOM)