
电话:13667125115 地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院通信与探测研究所208室 E-mail:hufei@hust.edu.cn http://eic.hust.edu.cn/professor/hufei/

1973年生,中共党员,工学博士、博士后。华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院副院长,二级教授,博士生导师,美国田纳西大学访问学者。 第八届国务院学科评议组成员,重大项目首席技术专家。中国电子学会高级会员,中国电子学会微波分会委员会委员,中国电子学会电磁环境效应专家委员会委员,IEEE Member。中国电子教育学会优秀博士学位论文(2019年度)指导教师,多名硕士研究生、博士研究生获国家奖学金。 “多谱信息处理技术”国家级重点实验室副主任、通信与探测研究所所长,兼科技部绿色通信与网络国际合作基地副主任。




一、 代表性学术论文:

1.Yan Hu, Fei Hu*, Zhengwu Yang, Yayun Cheng, and Chengbin Wang, Complex Permittivity Estimation From Millimeter-Wave Radiometry, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,2021,18(7): 1254-1258

2.Jinglong Su,Fei Hu*,Yan Tian,Tao Zheng,Yan Hu,Millimeter wave emissivity measurement of military coating materials, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter waves,2021,40(6), 761-767

3.Tao Zheng,Fei Hu*, Liang Wu,Jinlong Su,Hao Hu, Synthesis of large alias-free field of view linear arrays for synthetic aperture interferometric radiometers, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,2020,68(12),7916-7926

4.Tao Zheng,Fei Hu*, Hao Hu,and Peng Fu,Channel Compressive Aperture Synthesis,IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,2020,17(6),1027-1031

5.Zhu Dong; Hu Fei*; Lang Liang; Tang Peiwen; Peng Xiaohui; He Feng ; Radiometric Sensitivity and Angular Resolution Optimization of Thinned Linear Arrays in Microwave Interferometric Radiometry, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2019, 67(1): 568-573

6.Tao Zheng; Fei Hu*; Hao Hu; Peng Fu ; Channel Compressive Aperture Synthesis, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019, 17(6): 1027-1031

7.Jun Li; Fei Hu*; Feng He; Liang Wu ; High-Resolution RFI Localization Using Covariance Matrix Augmentation in Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometry, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 56(2): 1186-1198

7.Peng X , Hu F*, Zhu D , et al. Reduction of the Instrument Model Error in Aperture Synthesis Radiometers[J]. IEEE Access, 2018, PP(99):1-1.

8.Hu F, Zhu D, Peng X , et al. Synthesis of thinned planar arrays with two-fold redundancy for microwave interferometric radiometers[J]. Electronics Letters, 2018, 54(7):426-428.

9.Cheng Y, Hu F*, Wu H,et al. Multi-polarization passive millimeter-wave imager and outdoor scene imaging analysis for remote sensing applications[J]. Optics Express,2018,26(16): 20145-20159.

10.Su J, Tian Y, Hu F*,et al. Material Clustering Using Passive Millimeter-Wave Polarimetric Imagery[J]. IEEE Photonics Journal,2018

11.Zhu D,Hu F*,Peng X . Expansion Design of Interferometric Aperture Synthesis Arrays Based on Multi-Objective Optimization[J]. IEEE Access, 2018, PP(99):1-1.

12.Zhu D, Hu F*,Lang L,et al. Radiometric Sensitivity and Angular Resolution Optimization of Thinned Linear Arrays in Microwave Interferometric Radiometry[J]. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,2018,67(1): 568-573

13.Zhu D,Hu F*,Lang L , et al. Double Difference Bases and Thinned Arrays with Two-Fold Redundancy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2017, PP(99):1-1.

14.Zhu Dong; Hu Fei*; Lang Liang; Tang Peiwen; Peng Xiaohui; He Feng ; Double Difference Bases and Thinned Arrays With Twofold Redundancy, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2017, 65(12): 7366-7371

15.Li J , Hu F* , He F , et al. High-Resolution RFI Localization Using Covariance Matrix Augmentation in Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometry[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 2017, PP(99):1-13.

16.Hu F, Zhang X, Cheng Y,et al. Influence of surface roughness on polarization property in passive millimeter-wave imaging[J]. IEICE Electronics Express,2017,14(21)

17.Hu F,Wu L,Li J,et al. RFI localization in synthetic aperture interferometric radiometers based on sparse Bayesian inference[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017, 38(20):5502-5523.

18.Jang C H,Hu F*,He F,et al. Circular Hexagonal Lattice Array and Its Optimization in Aperture Synthesis Radiometers[J]. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2017, 16:685-688.

19.Hu F,Peng X,He F,et al. RFI Mitigation in Aperture Synthesis Radiometers Using a Modified CLEAN Algorithm[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2017, 14(1):13-17.

20.Hu H, Hu F*, He F,et al. Fast Rfi Localization Using Virtual Array In Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometers[C]. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017.

21.Peng X,Hu F*,He F,et al.An improved clean algorithm for RFI mitigation in aperture synthesis radiometers[C].IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2017.

22.Su J,Tian Y,Hu F* ,et al. An equivalent method of mixed dielectric constant in passive microwave/millimeter radiometric measurement[C].SPIE Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology. 2017.

23.Hu F,Hu H,Zheng T,et al. A high resolution imaging algorithm for synthetic aperture interferometric radiometers in near-field[C]. SPIE Remote Sensing, 2017.

24.Cheng Y, Hu F*, Gui L,et al. Passive millimeter-wave polarization characteristics of several common structures[C]. SPIE Polarization Science and Remote Sensing,2017.

25.Tang P, Lang L, Hu F*,et al. The design of two-fold redundancy linear arrays in aperture synthesis radiometers[C]. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI), 2017.

二、 代表性专利:
1.胡飞; 胡演 ; 一种基于毫米波极化辐射测量的目标分类方法及系统, 2022-2-18, 2020104041190 (专利)

2.胡飞;苏金龙;郭泰华; 一种毫米波可控温背景辐射测量室, 2020-07-24, 2019218415996(专利)

3.胡飞; 胡昊; 贺锋 ; 一种基于综合孔径的分布式实时成像系统, 2020-9-8, 2018104243528(专利)

4.胡飞; 熊祖彪; 李达; 陈柯 ; 全链路信号级微波辐射成像探测系统仿真软件, 2011SR029970, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2010-8-8 (软件著作权)

5.胡飞; 胡演 ; 基于极化毫米波辐射的目标表面法向量获取方法及系统, 2020-11-17, 2019104470704 (专利)

6.胡飞; 宋梦婷; 胡演; 伍宏飞 ; 一种基于毫米波与可见光图像融合的去雾方法,2020-9-8, 2018107110034 (专利)

7.胡飞; 王成斌; 苏金龙 ; 一种毫米波辐射率多角度测量装置, 2020-7-24, 2019217312263(专利)

8.胡飞; 胡演 ; 一种被动毫米波辐射特征量的测量方法及系统、分类方法, 2022-2-18, 2021102396569 (专利)

9.胡飞; 伍宏飞; 苏金龙 ; 一种辐射面控制系统, 2020-10-30, 2019218403166 (专利)

10.胡飞 ; 空中典型目标毫米波辐射观测仿真系统, 2019SR1093950, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2016-12-1(软件著作权)

11.胡飞; 苏金龙; 伍宏飞 ; 一种目标辐射率测量方法及装置, 2021-5-18, 2019109172576(专利)


拥有毫米波/太赫兹信号实验室、毫米波/太赫兹系统与仿真实验室、毫米波/太赫兹精密测量实验室,国内唯一的微波/毫米波特性测试场等。设备总价值4千余万元,包括: IBM P6-550小型机、IBM高性能计算服务器、GPU高速计算阵列系统、图像工作站、24通道1GHz高速同步数据采集系统、16通道NI高速同步数据采集系统、24通道同步数据采集与FPGA高速信号处理系统、16通道8mm综合孔径辐射计阵列试验系统、24通道1.4GHz综合孔径辐射计阵列试验系统、12通道8mm焦平面试验系统、1.4GHz—3mm系列双通道辐射计、大屏幕显示系统、 大容量磁盘阵列数据存储系统、国内首台套3mm多极化成像系统、24通道可配置3mm辐射计阵列成像系统、96通道xx综合孔径系统、3mm和8mm辐射测量系统等试验设备。拥有自主开发的高性能全链路信号级仿真软件系统,及网络分析仪、频谱仪、信号源、噪声源、数字存储示波器、逻辑分析仪等试验仪器。