报告题目: Title: Wireless Broadband Communications: From UWB to UWA
In recent years, ultra-wideband (UWB) communications have attracted increasing interests, thanks to its unique features including low-power transmissions, ample multipath diversity, low-complexity transceivers and a potential for data-hungry and/or location-aware applications with more flexible spectrum usage. Since FCC granted the “Green light” for commercial deployment under the spectral mask in the range 3.1-10.6 GHz, UWB research and development have made unprecedented progress in a wide-range of applications, including WPAN for high-data-rate multimedia networking, wireless connection and localization among low-power distributed sensors, and body area networking (BAN) for medical as well as entertainment purposes. This presentation will provide an overview of UWB technology fundamentals, recent developments, together with envisioned applications and open problems.
Though tremendous progress has been made for land-based radio frequency (RF) wireless communications, research in underwater acoustic (UWA) communications is still at a primitive stage. On the other hand, the ocean covers 71% of our planet, and is becoming the center stage as the resource shortage drives us to “the dawn of deep ocean mining.”In this area, our research focus is on the horizontal underwater communications where the channel conditions are very challenging with extensive multipath and Doppler-induced variation. Seemingly unrelated, UWA signals are essentially UWB in nature. For example, a 4kHz bandwidth acoustic signal on a 9.6kHz carrier will result in a fractional bandwidth (bandwidth/center frequency) of 42%. This far exceeds the minimum of 20% for UWB as defined by FCC. Our group has developed several pioneering approaches. Some were recently tested in sea trials carried out by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) at the Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island and in Elba, Italy. The results are very encouraging as our robust designs achieve superb performance even when existing alternatives fail, especially in turbulent sea. In this presentation, we will also introduce some of our designs and results on UWA.
杨柳青博士的研究领域包括:通信信号处理、时间和频率选择性MIMO信道、超宽频带通信、水下声通信和网络、无线移动网络。在IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,IEEE Transactions on Communications,IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications等国际著名期刊已发表学术论文30多篇,在Globecom, ICC, WCNC等国际会议上发表学术论文60多篇,并与他人合编并出版专著2本。
近年来,杨柳青的研究工作得到了美国国家科学基金(National Science Foundation)、美国海军科研办公室(Office of Naval Research)、美国空军科研办公室(Air Force Office of Scientific Research)、美国空军研究实验室 (Air Force Research Lab)、美国陆军科研办公室 (Army Research Office)的资助。
2009年杰克韦塞尔助理教授奖;2009年美国国家科学基金委青年科学家成就奖;2007年美国海军研究院青年科学家计划奖;2007年美国研究理事会/美国空军科学研究院暑期教授研究奖;2006年International Conference on UWB最佳论文奖;2005年明尼苏达大学物理科学与工程最佳论文奖。
杨柳青是IEEE高级会员,IEEE Transactions on Communications,IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,Signal, Image and Video Processing Journal,PHYCOM: Physical Communication等期刊副主编,TC on Mobile Communication Networks, IEEE ITS Society联合主席,IEEE Gainesville Section副主席。她已在几十个重大国际大会上任大会总主席,程序委员会主席,分会主席,指导或程序委员会委员。